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امروز براتون اصلاحات wow رو گذاشتم
من خودم بازی کن خوبی نیستم اما دوست دارم بقیه خیلی بهتر از من شن
امیدورام با خوندن این پست بتونین راحت بازی کنیین
دوستون دارم Love U Like A Love Song~~>{f}
A: AB = Arcane Blast
AB = Arathi Basin
AE = Arcane Explosion
AFK = Away from keyboard
AGGRO = When a monster has targetted you.
AH = Auction House
AM = Arcane Missiles
AotH = Aspect of the Hawk
AotP = Aspect of the Pack
AP = Attack Power
AR = Adrenaline Rush
AV = Alterac Valley
B: BG = Battleground
BO = Buyout price in AH
BoK = Blessing of Kings
BoL = Blessing of Light
BoP = Blessing of Protection / Bind on Pickup
BoS = Blessing of Salvation
BoSa = Blessing of Sanctuary
BoM = Blessing of Might
BoW = Blessing of Wisdom
BRB = Be right Back
BT = Black Temple
BW = Blast Wave
BW = Bestial Wrath / Brood War
C: C = Copper
CH = Chain Heal
CloS = Cloak of Shadows
CoC = Cone of Cold
CoD = Curse of Doom
CoE = Curse of Elements / Curse of Exhaustion
CS = Counterspell / Cold Snap / Crusader Strike
D: DB = Dragon's Breath
DC = Disconnect
DE = Disenchant
DI = Divine Intervention
DK = Dragon Kill Points
DM = Dire Maul
DMs = Deadmines,
F: FB = Frostbolt / Fireball / Fire Blast
FF = Faerie Fire / Focus Fire / Friendly Fire
FN = Frost Nova
G: G = Gold
G2G = Got to go
GG = Good Going/Good Good
GJ = Good Job
GM = Guild Master or Game Master
GS = Goldshire
H: Hax = Hacker
HK = Honorable Kill
HoJ = Hammer of Justice
HS = Healthstone / Hearthstone
HW = Healing Wave
I: IB = Ice Block
IC = In Character
IF = Inner Focus / Ironforge
IG = In game
Imao = In my arrogent opinion
Imho = In my honest opinion
Imo = In my opinion
INC = Incoming
INT = Interlect
IRL = In real life
IS = Insect Swarm
IV = Icy Veins
J: JoL = Judgement of Light
JoW = Judgement of Wisdom
K: KZ = Karazhan
L: L2 = learn to
L2R = Learn to read
LF = Looking for
LFG = Looking For Group
LFM = Looking For More
LHW = Lesser Healing Wave
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
LoH = Lay on Hands
LOL = Laugh out loud
LoS = Line of Sight is more correct.
LotP = Leader of the Pack
M: MB = Mana Burn
MF = Moonfire
MH = Mount Hyjal
MotW = Mark of the Wild
MS = Mortal Strike
N: NS = Nature's Swiftness
O: OFC = Of Course
OMW = On my way
OOC = Out of Character
OOM = Out of mana
P: PoM = Presence of Mind
Pot = Potion
PvP = Player Versus Player
PWF = Power Word: Fortitude
R: RFD = Razorfen Downs
RFK = Razorfen Kraul
RP = Roleplay
RR = Redridge
S: S = Silver
S1 = Season 1 PvP gear
S2 = Season 2 PvP gear
S3 = Season 3 PvP gear
SB = Shadow Bolt
ShS = Shadow Step
SL = Siphon Life / Soul Link
SM = Scarlet Monastery
SoC = Seed of Corruption
SSC = Serpentshrine Cavern
T: TBH = To be honest
TK = Tempest Keep
ToL = Tree of Life
U: UA = Unstable Affliction
V: VE = Vampiric Embrace
VT = Vampiric Touch / Ventrilo
W: WE = Water Elemental
Woot = We own other team
WsG = Warsong Gulch
WTB = Want/ing to Buy
WTS = Want/ing to Sell
WTT = Wanting to Trade
X: XR = Cross Roads
The ones with a lot of tekst not on alphebet:
SS = Silencing Shot / Scatter Shot / Screenshot / Soul Stone / Sinister Strike (Watch out with this abbreviation. People have been seen reported for reference to the National Socialist German Workers Partyy department "Schutzsstafel" before)
CC = Crowd control (removing a mob or player from a fight temporarily, the best PvE CC is probably Mage polymorph or Hunter traps but it's all quite varied for different mob types)
Threat = The amount of "threat" you've caused to a target is used to determine who has aggro. (covered earlier). The system for determining this is rather complex, which leads to "Threat Meter" which is a plugin that clearing measures threat (usually KTM or Omen).
FE - Frost Escort, used in WSG to escort the FC (Flag Carrier). Mages can run behind the FC and use Frost Nova's to stop enemy pursuiters. Usage : "HAVE FLAG NEED FE 2 TUNNEL"
BN - Blizzard Nuke, used in AV on Alliance side just before the bridge. The narrow pass forces the hordies to travel in a tight group and this is the ideal spot for a couple of Frost Mages with powered up Blizzards to at least slow them down and ideally kill them all. Of course, other AoE attacks can be used but the Blizzard is the most effective. Usage : "HORD@BRIDGE BN"
SMM - Silvermoon Massacre. SM is an easy place to get into but there are not many hordies there (or hordies capable of dealing with an angry lvl 70). A way to pass the time is to commit SMM on the low level Blood Elf NPCs gathered on the central square. Usage : "LFM SMC 4 SMM LOL".
RTS - Rooftop Stalkers. A problem to watch out for when visiting Orgrimmar. On top of the AH and the surrounding buildings on its sides (not the bank opposite of AH) there are Troll Rooftop Stalkers. These stealthed hunters hit very hard.
GS - Gnome Sacrifice. A tasteless and offending ritual that is RP-ed out by hordies (one having a low lvl Gnome alt) before doing some PvP raid. Gets tricky in usage when the raid concerns Goldshire which is also abbreviated as GS.